
                                               Hi guys now see a how to install the ECLIPSE the software..
                                          The integrated development environment for developing your Android applications.the recommended IDE is  the Android develop various types of applications,
using languages such as Java, Ada, C, C++, COBOL, Python, and others. the Eclipse software in 62 bit&32 bit available in this website.
                                        To launch Eclipse, double-click on the eclipse.exe file. You are first asked to specify your work space.a work space is a folder where you store all your projects and you see your project.
Android Development Tools (ADT):
                                                                                                                        When Eclipse is launched select Help ➪ Install New install the Android Development Tools (ADT) plug-in for Eclipse.

     1.Create new Android application projects.
     2. Access the tools for accessing your Android emulators and devices.
     3.Compile and debug Android applications.
     4.Export Android applications into Android Packages (APKs).
     5.Create digital certificates for code-signing your APK
Your ADT tools install the Eclipse the the next step to view your install the ADT Software function.
To the available software check the item you which to go to next step for the Finish the Android Development.

Creating Android Virtual Devices (AVD):
                                                                    To Android Virtual Devices this Application to your project Run to the this Application.this Application similar to your Android Mobile.How to install&How to use the application see the next step.
Go to Window ➪ AVD Manager,
In the Android Virtual Device Manager dialog Box open.
To Android Virtual Device Manager,Go to New ➪ Enter the AVD name,Target Name&Platform to fill the all the detail And to START The AVD Manager Device.
Now,your Android Virtual Device To Create AVD

 To Click on LUNCH 

Your AVD Device Manager Create  Successfully.Now your Start the Android Application...

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